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石 shi

Home Pinyin shi

宝石 bǎoshí bijou; cameo; gem; gems; jewelled

长石 chángshí feldspar; feldspars

沸石 fèishí zeolite

浮石 fúshí pumice

海枯石烂 hǎikūshílàn sea dry stone

红宝石 hóngbǎoshí ruby

滑石 huáshí talc

化石 huàshí fossil; fossiliferous; fossilized; fossils

辉石 huīshí augite

基石 jīshí cornerstone; keystone; lynchpin

蒋介石 jiǎngjièshí chiang kai-shek

结石 jiéshí calculus; stone

晶石 jīngshí spar

酒石 jiǔshí tartaric

矿石 kuàngshí ores

砾石 lìshí gravel

卵石 luǎnshí cobble; pebble; pebbles; pebbly; scree; shingle

磨石 móshí millstone

墓石 mùshí headstone

石板 shíbǎn flagstone; flagstones; slate

石方 shífāng stonework

石膏 shígāo gypsum; plaster

石工 shígōng masonry

石棺 shíguān sarcophagi; sarcophagus

石化 shíhuà petrification; petrified; petrifies; petrochemical

石灰 shíhuī lime

石家庄 shíjiāzhuāng shijiazhuang

石匠 shíjiàng mason; masons; stonemason

石窟 shíkū grotto; grottoes

石蜡 shílà paraffin

石榴 shíliú pomegranate; pomegranates

石鲈 shílú grunts

石棉 shímián asbestos

石墨 shímò graphite; plumbago

石蕊 shíruǐ litmus

石笋 shísǔn stalagmites

石头 shítóu stone; stones

石英 shíyīng quartz

石油 shíyóu oil; petroleum

燧石 suìshí flint

岩石 yánshí petrology; rock

陨石 yǔnshí meteorite; meteorites; meteoritic

赭石 zhěshí ochre

钻石 zuànshí diamond; diamonds

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce